The Problem
On any given day there are nearly 438,000 children and youth in foster care. Nearly 110,000 are waiting to be adopted, waiting year after year for their forever home. For children in foster care, the government invests less than 50% of what it actually costs to raise a child. Close to 30,000 will age out of foster care every year and have to be self-sufficient at age 18, 19, 20 or 21.
It is not surprising then that within four years of aging out:
70% will be on government assistance
50% will be unemployed
50% will experience homelessness
25% will not have completed high school
Less than 12% will every earn their college degree
Resulting in $1 Million economic burden to society for each young person we fail.
Happy New Year
It’s a New Year let’s start it out by helping Children. We would like your help to raise money to buy duffle bags and personal items to help Foster Children in the area. $50 buys one bag with all personal items. Please help them feel loved and wanted.
Ho Ho Ho
It’s Christmas time and the time for giving. Let’s think about the children who will be going to new homes with their personal items in a trash bag, to prevent that from happening lets dig deep in our pockets and donate so we can buy the kids a suitcase to put their personal things in.
Gobble Gobble
I’m doing a raffle for a free turkey. starting tomorrow November 2nd until November 20th. Let’s get to buying you can spare a dollar to help foster children, They need care and support.
Thank You Sunfest Market for donating a Turkey for our Raffle.
Jessica Woody won the free Turkey. Thank you to everyone who bought raffle tickets we raised $150, which will help buy several bags and personal items for Foster Children.
Trick or Treat
It’s the Month of giving treats so let’s give a donation to help Foster children get a suitcase with some personal items.
Hey Guys lets donate on the website to put your name in the drawing to win a gift certificate to Omaha Steaks.
Hi Guys, we are starting a fundraiser today.
anyone who donates $20 or more will go in a drawing for a gift certificate for Omaha Steaks.